Flax Seeds Benefits For Irregular Periods                                                      

If you are suffering from irregular periods and have severe period cramps, consume this everyday to facilitate regular menstruation. You can store the excess flax seed powder in an airtight container. Flax seeds have very good amounts of Omega 3 Essential fatty acids which are excellent for women's health. Flax seeds can naturally induce periods by strengthening the reproductive system and regulating the cycle.
The ingredients you need to make this are                                                                    :
1 tbsp flaxseeds powder                                                                                     
½ cup yogurt                                                                                                    
Method                                                                                                                                          :
Mix flaxseeds powder with yogurt and use it daily for regular periods. Also it is good for period cramps.

FLAX SEEDS BENEFITS FOR PCOS                                                                                 
Polycystic ovary syndrome commonly known as PCOS is a very common problem among women these days. There are many symptoms of this problem like weight gaining, missing periods, hair growth on face and other parts and also hormonal imbalance. Many women are suffering from this problem these days. This leads to infertility among the women and its treatment is very expensive. Here we provide you a very easy and simple home remedy to cure PCOS at home.
The things you will need are                                                                                   :
1 tbsp flaxseeds powder                                                                                                         
A glass of water                                                                                                                    

Mix flaxseeds powder in a glass of water and take daily for two months. Flaxseeds work for regulating periods and weight loss. You will see the results in the second month of usage.

There are many benefits of flaxseeds(alsi) for women. The best two benefits of flaxseeds(alsi) for women are mentioned here which are for regular periods and PCOS.
 Flaxseeds(alsi) help in regulating periods. Another benefit of flaxseeds(alsi) for women is that it helps in reducing weight.
Benefits of flaxseeds (alsi) for women include hair growth and face shine also. Flaxseeds gel is used to make hair thicker and shinier. There are innumerable benefits of flaxseeds (alsi) for women. .