Chicken pasta
Ingredients For Chicken Pasta •
Boiled Pasta 1 cup (recipe below)
 •Chicken masalah (recipe below)
 •Salt 1/2 tsp •
Chinese Salt 1 tsp
 •White Pepper 1/2 tsp 
•Soy Sauce 2 tbsp
 •Oregano 1/2 tsp
 •Oil 4 tbsp •Capsicum 1 chopped
Method For Pasta
Heat oil in wok on low flame. Add boiled pasta and capsicum, mix well and saute. Add salt, white pepper, Chinese salt and soy sauce. Mix well. Add chicken masalah and cook for 5 minutes. Sprinkle oregano leaves. Chicken Pasta is ready to serve
For Boiling pasta Ingredients
•Salt 1 tsp
 •Oil 2 tbsp 
•Pasta 1 cup
 •Water as required
Method For Boiling Pasta 
Add water into a deep pan,add salt and oil and boil. Once boiled, add pasta and boil until it becomes soft. Wash with tap water, remove water, put into a strainer, apply oil and place aside

. For Chicken gravy Ingredients
•Chicken1/4 kg
 •Garlic Paste 1/2 tsp 
•Paprika Powder 1/2 tsp
 •Black Pepper 1/2 tsp
 •Salt 1/4 tsp
 •Chinese Salt 1/2 tsp
 •Onion 1 chopped 
•Tomato 1 chopped 
•Oil 2tbsp
Method For Cooking Chicken
Heat oil in pan, add onions and fry a bit.Add chicken, ginger and garlic paste and mix well.Add tomato mix well. Add salt, Black pepper, Chinese salt and paprika powder. Mix well and cook until chiken cook well.